Thursday, October 20, 2005


I watched "Wit" (starring Emma Thompson) the other night. The main character, a middle aged English Professor, is diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer, and takes the viewer along on her journey through treatment. It's really quite good, but very different. It left me with a really odd feeling - like I was going to die! Of course, I am - eventually. So maybe it's just that the movie brought to the forefront that knowledge which we usually choose to ignore until it hits us in the face - when 'our time is up'.

I'm curious how other people felt about the movie.
  • Did I have this feeling only because the movie was so well done that I was 'sucked into' the story?
  • Did it hit me like it did because a part of me really knows that 'my time' is about up?
  • Did it make death seem so 'scary' only because it left out the element of the eternal nature of the spirit, returning to live with our Father in Heaven?
  • Did I only buy into the fear of death, due to Emma's masterful performance of her character's fear?

The movie was not only well done, but very unique in the way it was done. It really helps you to understand what it might be like to be dying of cancer.

It also makes you think about what is really important in this life.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Borrowed Thought

Just heard a poem read on NPR this morning, a line of which I thought was worth sharing. (Sorry, I missed the name of the poem and author.) But one line went something like this:

"There are no unsacred places; only sacred places and desecrated places."

I haven't had time to think about it long enough to form a definite opinion, but off hand, it does seem like the most 'unsacred' things, are really made so by the fact that they are sacred things, misused. Which is probably why many of us are so easily deceived into thinking that 'evil'* is 'good'; our minds relate to the connection with the sacred, and overlook the fact that misusing such, desecrates.

*FYI: In my mind, the definition of 'evil' is anything which, in the long run, sets back our progression towards becoming who we really want to be. (Which to my understanding, is exactly why God gave us commandments to do, and not do, certain things; for the simple reason that he understands the long-term consequences of various choices.)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Just Testing

I'll just post a thought to test this out:

It is harder to have HOPE when you're older
and have seen that the things that you’ve hoped for
haven’t come to pass . . .

Unless you also have FAITH, and

TRUST that God knows where he is leading your life

. . . even if it’s not where you thought you wanted it to go.